Agricultural History

  • Yearbooks of Agriculture

    The above link is to Agricultural Yearbooks from 1894 to 1992.

    Selected issues linked below:

    Extension Related History

    Epsilon Sigma Phi History

    Extension Service Review

    Beginning in 1930, the Extension Service Review was written for Extension educators -- in County, State and Federal Extension agencies -- who worked directly or indirectly to help people learn how to use the newest findings in agriculture and home economics research to bring about a more abundant life for themselves and their community.

    The Review offered the Extension worker, in their role of educational leader, professional guideposts, new routes, and tools for speedier, more successful endeavor. Through this exchange of methods, tried and found successful by Extension agents, the Review serves as a source of ideas and useful information on how to reach people and thus help them utilize more fully their own resources, to farm more efficiently, and to make the home and community a better place to live.